Monday, May 15, 2006

gall stones

It begins friday night at about 1:30am, Krissy wakes up with heartburn. Nothing new, she's gotten heartburn quite frequently while pregnant, so I didn't think much of it. After she took medicine and it didn't go away and was still hurting in the morning, was when we decided something was wrong.

We went to the doctors early saturday to see what the problem was. He prescribed her some kind of anti-inflammatory pills and told her if the pain don't go away by 8pm that day to go to emergency at the hospital. If the pain didn't go away it meant she more then likely had gall bladder stones and needed more testing done.

So, she got taken care of quickly because Sam was working (thanks Sam) and they took her in. After a night in the hospital, a ultrasound and MRI, it was determined that; yes, she had gall stones and yes, they needed to remove her gall bladder. So they decided to do surgery on her.

Now comes to monday, and they did surgery sometime this morning. I am assuming things went well and she is still sleeping because she isn't picking up the phone in her room right now. I hope everything is okay and she can come home soon.

Anyway, this made for one hell of a fun weekend. Now I'm off to go see her and make sure she's doing okay.

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