Saturday, June 23, 2007


If I had the time, I would most surely write down all the weird and crazy things I do here and keep some kind of personal archive of information so I don't forget all this stuff myself. But, I don't. I do plan on doing a few "article" type updates to this blog, or at least I would if I found the time and the will to do them. The most important change is the coming of my second child. Due to be born this December, I will then be a father of two! After that point, I'll be lucky if I can answer phone calls since my hands will definitely be full at all times.

Anyway, I'm not dead, I'm just busy with other things. Maybe I'll write a real blog later.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

my valentine

This Valentine's Day, I had planned a nice evening at a hotel with a hot tub for Krissy and I. Unfortunately, that isn't going as planned this weekend. Hopefully I can accomplish this in the next few weeks, before the holiday gets away from me. Got to love all the babysitters in this world.

I really didn't plan any other gift for her this year. Previously, I've got her clothes, jewelry, flowers, etc, and always tried to make her feel special, because she is special to me, and like any good boyfriend I like to make her feel that way.

But in a complete surprise move on her part, she got me a ring.

Some would venture to call this gift a "promise ring". I got her a promise ring a little over a year ago, on last Sweetest Day. I still haven't popped the question yet, not because I don't want to, but because I'm not in the financial position yet to buy a Engagement Ring. I had planned to do that by now, but it's looking like it's going too take a bit more time for that.

This gift came as a total surprise to me and I definitely love it. The best things in life are surprises and this was definitely one of them.

Krissy, if you read this, you've managed to make me feel very special today, and have given me a very nice boost in confidence about our relationship, and our future. I hope you had the same feeling when I gave you your ring so long ago. My feelings haven't changed, only gotten stronger.

Knowing that you feel the same way about me as I do you, means more than anything in the world to me. Thank you for being you and thank you for loving me. You've made me feel very special on this Valentine's Day.

I love you, Krissy.

Monday, January 22, 2007

i got served

I'm sure someone would say "You Got Served" is a great movie. Today, I'm using it as a pun because I got served court papers. I'm being sued for something like $822 for moving out of a leased apartment I had. Some may recall me living in Lincoln Park a while back, and some shady shit was going on with the apartment complex. Not to mention Krissy got pregnant and the landlords there did absolutely nothing to fix things that were wrong when I moved in. Plus the entire building was infested with cockroaches and all around disgusting. So after months of harassing phone calls, letters in the mail and more, they are now trying to sue me for money they claim I owe them.

They claim I have refused to pay them this money (whether I owe it or not is debatable), since they actually broke my lease before I did. Which would then make this debt null and void. But alas, I am not a lawyer and I am not skilled in the laws definition of these things.

To make it that more amusing to me is the fact that I've been paying them the money for months now. How can you sue someone for not paying a debt when they are actively paying said debt to the debtor?

I've got 21 days to appeal this debt so now I have to get my paperwork and receipts for my payments (which they have accepted... they cashed the checks) and show this as proof in the courthouse. I'm pretty sure one cannot be sued by a debtor when they are paying a debt back to them. I guess I'll find out soon.

This whole thing makes me recall that line from "Rocky V" near the end with the fight with Tommy Gunn.... "Sue me for what?" Rocky says. I like that.

Monday, January 08, 2007


My mom got me a digital camera for Christmas. So with the introduction of that into my life comes a place to put all the pics I can now take with it. Introducing, my flickr account, go check out my photos of the family and post some comments on them too!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

the holidays are over....

and not a moment too soon! Christmas has gone by, Krissy's birthday and New Years has come and gone. Now it's time to go back to normal life again. I go back to midnights monday and I can't wait. It'll give me some time to sit around and play my Zelda game and just relax and hopefully get some other things done around the house. Maybe I'll even get to watch all these movies I keep getting here and not watching... that all sounds nice, probably won't do any of it though!