Saturday, February 17, 2007

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

my valentine

This Valentine's Day, I had planned a nice evening at a hotel with a hot tub for Krissy and I. Unfortunately, that isn't going as planned this weekend. Hopefully I can accomplish this in the next few weeks, before the holiday gets away from me. Got to love all the babysitters in this world.

I really didn't plan any other gift for her this year. Previously, I've got her clothes, jewelry, flowers, etc, and always tried to make her feel special, because she is special to me, and like any good boyfriend I like to make her feel that way.

But in a complete surprise move on her part, she got me a ring.

Some would venture to call this gift a "promise ring". I got her a promise ring a little over a year ago, on last Sweetest Day. I still haven't popped the question yet, not because I don't want to, but because I'm not in the financial position yet to buy a Engagement Ring. I had planned to do that by now, but it's looking like it's going too take a bit more time for that.

This gift came as a total surprise to me and I definitely love it. The best things in life are surprises and this was definitely one of them.

Krissy, if you read this, you've managed to make me feel very special today, and have given me a very nice boost in confidence about our relationship, and our future. I hope you had the same feeling when I gave you your ring so long ago. My feelings haven't changed, only gotten stronger.

Knowing that you feel the same way about me as I do you, means more than anything in the world to me. Thank you for being you and thank you for loving me. You've made me feel very special on this Valentine's Day.

I love you, Krissy.