Friday, March 24, 2006

castor oil is yummy

Well yesterday was my daughters expected due date but of course, she hasn't been born yet. Actually not much has changed since the last doctors office visit. Krissy is still dilated to one, but her cervix is starting to thin out. Wee've tried everything to move this process along... walks, swinging, eating pineapple, and my favorite-- sex. Nothing has worked. Today at about 8:30am while I was at work, Krissy called and said she thought her water had broke... well I, of course, came rushing home expecting to finally have my baby!

Only when I got home, it didn't appear to look like labor was happening. She seemed fine. So we went to the doctors office to see what exactly had happened. In the end, we came to find out that her mucas plug had come out. Which doesn't really mean that the baby could be coming (depending on where you read, you can come up with anywhere from 24 hours to a week until she could go into labor).

So having taken the day off of work now, I had really been hoping I would have my baby girl today. Well after sex, swinging, a walk, and more sex, and yes a last resort of giving her castor oil which should bring on labor -- or the shits. She's now sleeping. None of the above sent her into labor. It's true, the first baby just don't like to come out.

I'm partially scared to go to work tomorrow, it'll probably happen then. And I'll be much to anxious awaiting something to happen.

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