Sunday, June 11, 2006


Well after fiddling around in the iPod debug menu, I finally made some progress. I got the thing to boot into disk mode after entering a "FW TEST" mode and updated the firmware from there. It appears to be slowly copying my 4000+ song collection back to its hard disk and we'll see from there if it works correctly. The drive makes some funky noises which could be a result of me throwing it on the floor repeatedly in a feeble attempt to fix it. I probably broke it but well, it does SOMETHING now at least.

iPod debug menu

I have been searching for a way to fix my seemingly un-repairable iPod for months now. I had assumed it just needed to be charged from a real electrical outlet. Wrong. Apparently, the problem which my iPod suffers from, is caused by a bad flash of the firmware. There is a secret debug menu hidden which I can access by holding down the Rewind, Forward, and "Enter" keys upon booting. I cannot find any documentaion of the 15 or so utilities available in this mode anywhere online. I'm not sure if it will enable me to fix the iPod yet, but I'm not going to stop trying these options until I get this fucking thing working again. As a side note; don't mess with the debug stuff unless your willing to possibly damage your iPod, and if you do fuck yours up... don't blame me.

Friday, June 02, 2006

sad day

You know it's a sad day when I'm seriously considering the Xbox 360 as my next console purchase. I think Nintendo got it wrong with the Wii, I don't really want to have to jump around and shit to play video games. And Sony, with the PS3, I just don't trust their products anymore after my PS2 shit out on me after 2 years...

Jay buying a Microsoft product??!!?? It's almost unheard of. Of course I won't have $500 for a 360 anytime soon... but Quake 4 is calling to me already...

Thursday, June 01, 2006


I have some interest in the continued development in the now open source Quake 3 source code. So I began looking around online for projects that may be looking for help in a OSX specific area. I found one (according to their website)., as they call it. I noticed they had some files up and a svn repository for the source. The OSX binary they had on thier site was out-of-date to thier current revisions, so I thought I'd be nice and offer up a up-to-date OSX binary (temporarily located here for anyone interested). Upon sending a email to the mailing list that I had compiled a current OSX PPC binary, I was nothing short of flamed for it not being a Universal Binary (a binary which works on Intel and PowerPC Macs) and my all around not supporting of the x86 architecture which makes up the newest models of the Mac computer line. Truth be told, it didn't compile a Universal Binary out of the box, and I lack the knowledge to change source code to do it. I saw nothing wrong with making my contribution, and saw no reason for the rude comments I received.

I had also posted a question on thier message board previous to all of this, reguarding my creating a native OSX installer for the application. Which according to thier website, they needed someone to do. I was doing that just because I wanted to help out a open source project which claimed they needed the help. When the help was given, they didn't seem to want or care for it. And then had the nerve to tell me I was trolling.

I unsubscribed to thier list after being called a troll and deleted any and all work I had done for the installer and was done with it. This is notably the first time I had attempted to help a open source effort and been shot down for my help. can fuck off. I'll stick to id Software's PPC only official release from now on.